Thursday 10 December 2009

My stay in Cartagena,Colombia

Hellas, after my participation in world summit for mine-free, in Cartagena, Colombia, it is necessary to me to share information with others and to give my opinion about my experience there.
Cartagena, at more than ten thousand km from my country, it is a very beauty city near the Atlantic Ocean and characterized by the old houses which let know to every one its historical importance for Colombian people with their welcoming spirit

Then, I have been invited to participate in the conference as one of the Youth Leaders by Mine Action Canada, to contribute and share information against landmine.
This meeting marked by a series of meetings and exchanges between different stakeholders (representatives of governments, officials of international organizations, ...) gave me an opportunity to meet many actors involved in this field and especially the team Survivor Corps represented by Kan Rutherford, Nerina Cevra, Nate McCray, Sheeren, Albert .The same opportunity was afforded me to meet some representatives of governments such as Burundi, DRC and the U.S.
Everyone enjoyed the work in Burundi by my organization in support survivors to reintegrate into the community. I am delighted, as young survivor, to discover a deep motivation that characterized the participants Cartagena, especially their contributions in the fight against mines and victim assistance.
Let’s stand up together and support the measures taken in Cartagena summit to prepare a better future for the world.